Ratio: 3:1
Duration: 30 minutes
Students in the Dugong class will be of school age and will have had minimal or no previous swimming instruction. The class aims to teach water confidence, paddling and kicking with pop up breaths, front and back floats, and streamline glide.
Ratio: 4:1
Duration: 30 minutes
Students in the Walrus class will be of school age and should be comfortable in the water. They should be able to float on both their front and back for 10 seconds, streamline push and glide, and paddle and kick for approximately 8 metres with 2 pop up breaths
The aims of the class are to teach Freestyle with no breathing, back kick, introduction to Backstroke, and introduction to dolphin kicks.
Ratio: 4:1
Duration: 30 minutes
Students in the Seal class will be of school age and should be capable of swimming FS with no breathing for 8 metres, BK kick and arms for 8 metres, and should have had experience attempting somersaults and dolphin kicks.
The aims of the class are to teach Freestyle with bilateral breathing, refine Backstroke technique, reinforce somersaults and dolphin kick, and to introduce Breaststroke kick.
Ratio: 5:1
Duration: 30 minutes
Students in the dolphin class should be capable of Freestyle with bilateral breathing maintaining technique for 16 metres, Backstroke with consistent technique for 16 metres, 8 metres of dolphin kick, a somersault, and able to perform a Breaststroke kick
By increasing the length to 12 metre laps, the aims of the class are to increase endurance and further develop Freestyle and Backstroke, dolphin kick and somersault techniques, to teach kneeling dives, and to introduce Breaststroke arm technique while also refining Breaststroke kick technique.
Ratio: 5:1
Duration: 30 minutes
Students in the whale class should be capable of Freestyle with consistent techniques for 50 metres, Backstroke with consistent technique for 50 metres, 12 metres of dolphin kick in streamline position, a somersault while swimming Freestyle, a kneeling dive, and able to coordinate Breaststroke arm action with Breaststroke kick.
The aims of the class are to increase endurance and further refine Freestyle, Backstroke and Kneeling Dive techniques, introduce full stroke Breaststroke and Butterfly, underwater dolphin kicking technique and how to perform a basic tumble turn. A 4 week rotation is used at this level to ensure variety as well as an appropriate amount of time for each stroke.